Together we learned how to identify possible gender barriers and how to overcome them while planning community development initiatives. We worked through various case studies from around the world that detailed how an excellent project can ultimately fail to impact their target audience due to cultural practices and gender norms.
The seminar, led by CRWRC veteran Robert Wood, outlined how to extract and analyze gender issues in 4 categories; Roles and Responsibilities, Access and Control of Resources, Power and Decision-making, & Needs and Priorities. This seminar offered valuable tools for investigating and planning for new initiatives that will hopefully result in achieving more development goals and using our increasingly limited resources more efficiently.
Next week CRWRC will be hosting another inter-agency training seminar on a related topic: Good Treatment within the Family/Domestic Violence. I look forward to learning more about this very serious issue that is unfortunately all too common in many Honduran households.
I'm excited to hear about seminars discussing such topics. Sounds like a great seminar!