Sunday, February 26, 2012

BIOLA´s Water Project Recon Mission

Once again Diaconia was privileged to host a couple of students from BIOLA University in Los Angeles.  Joey and Oscar were here for a short five-day visit to check out two possible water project communities.  They were considering La Avispa or Los Charcos for their springbreak water project team this year. 

Joey and Oscar taking a break in the pastor´s house in La Avispa

One of the newly installed
transformers in  Los Charcos
Both villages were eager to meet with the students and share their history of struggles and triumphs in the development of their community.  La Avispa recounted their tragic losses suffered in 2009 on account of a tremendous landslide.  The leaders of Los Charcos related a bit of the challenges they´ve overcome in the last five years in trying to bring electricity to the village - an impressive goal which they achieved just two weeks after the BIOLA students left. 

After meetings with the community leaders we took time to walk through the village, see the homes and gardens, and get an idea of where the distribution tank and tubing would go should BIOLA select that community.  Joey and Oscar went back to California with lots of photos and stories to tell their team of 47 students.  I´m sure it was a tough decision for them since both communities are equally welcoming and in need of a water project. 

I recently learned that BIOLA´s group will be spending a week in April working alongside the people of La Avispa on their water project.  No need to worry about Los Charcos though... :)  Los Charcos will be hosting the 2012 Honduras Water Project team from the King´s University for three weeks in May!